Minimally Invasive Surgery
Surgery is the best option for treating many types of gynecological conditions, and many gynecologic procedures can be performed using minimally-invasive techniques. This means smaller scars, faster recovery, and less discomfort.
Our team of physicians have significant experience in minimally-invasive surgical techniques using state-of-the-art surgical technology providing custom care solutions that are tailored to the needs of each patient.
Minimally Invasive Surgery Q & A
What is minimally-invasive surgery?
Minimally-invasive surgery uses small incisions and special instruments to perform an array of procedures that once could only be performed using large incisions. Minimally-invasive procedures typically are performed using a special instrument called a laparoscope, which is equipped with a tiny camera. The camera is used to capture detailed images inside the surgical site, then transmits those images to a screen, enabling the surgeon to see a clear, magnified image of the area. The surgeon uses those images to guide surgical instruments to perform the procedure. Some minimally-invasive surgeries use a special surgical robot to perform portions of a procedure where a very high degree of accuracy is needed.
What kinds of gynecologic surgeries can be performed using minimally-invasive techniques?
Many gynecologic procedures can be performed using minimally-invasive techniques, including:
Hysterectomy: Removal of all or part of the uterus
Oophorectomy: Removal of the ovaries
Removal of uterine fibroids, cysts, and adhesions
Infertility treatments
Tubal ligation/sterilization
Endometriosis treatment
Treatment of ectopic pregnancy
Treatment of pelvic inflammatory disease (PID)
Laparoscopy can also be performed diagnostically to determine the cause of pain, infertility, and other symptoms.
What are the benefits of minimally-invasive surgery compared to “traditional” surgery?
Studies show minimally-invasive surgery is associated with far less tissue damage and less blood loss, as well as fewer complications and shorter hospital stays. Plus, patients who have minimally-invasive procedures experience less post op pain and enjoy much faster recovery times along with less scarring.
Advances in techniques and technology have increased the number and kinds of traditional surgeries that can now be performed with minimally-invasive surgery. Even so, many surgeries, such as the removal of cancerous tumors, still require a larger incision to ensure complete removal of all cancerous tissue and to allow for a more thorough examination of the region to be sure it’s clear.
How is a minimally-invasive hysterectomy performed?
There are two basic approaches to minimally-invasive hysterectomy.
In one approach, tiny incisions are made through the skin of the lower belly to provide access to the uterus. The uterus will be removed through one of these very small incisions.
In the second approach, the uterus is removed through an incision made through the vaginal wall. Many women prefer this approach — sometimes called a vaginal hysterectomy — because it leaves no external scarring.
The approach used in a specific patient will be determined by several factors, including the patient’s overall health and the reason for the hysterectomy.